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Project Overview

The design concept drew inspiration directly from Hanson’s business and product lines. The concrete making process involves mixing cement and aggregates with water and allowing the mixture to harden. Similarly, the Hanson design revolves around the idea of melding. The blending of spaces and elements, enabling the Hanson Brisbane workplace to become one community.

Drawing on the strategy of bringing two distinct business units together, the lab (raw and industrial) and corporate services (more refined), the finishes and materials selection was a blend and reflective of the two differing business units.

Elements within the workplace include:

Showroom – Used to display the Hanson ‘Imagecrete’ product range. Moving away from a traditional showroom feel. Instead the area was designed to reflect a home aesthetic and highlight the Hanson product range. Large amounts of greenery were incorporated as well as furniture, more commonly seen in living areas of the home allowing clients to see the product in a ‘real’ setting.

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